
Services and Offerings

Our products and services offerings range across verticals, domains, industries and applications. We strive to create technologically intelligent offerings.

Research, Strategy & Consulting

Help customers solve their unique and complex problems with strategic initiatives that transform businesses.

Big Data and AI

Race ahead with dynamic insights provided using our intelligently designed data analytics solutions.

Digital Media

Boost the organic traffic of your business with professional, flexible and goal-oriented web tools and provide a new edge to your company's digital presence.

Tech Review marketing

Get ranked high with our review campaign programs that engage industry experts and ensure your products gain market leadership. Ensure outstanding customer satisfaction for your product / service.

Audience target campaigns

Attain sales leadership through our unique email and telemarketing campaigns that enable audience engagement with the product. Our unique target methodology allows you to engage with the right audience.

Influencer marketing

Attain an excellent sales conversion ratio by using our influencer marketing programs that involves educating industry experts on benefits of your product and obtaining product ambassadors online.

Application development

Ensure presence in the digital landscape with our mobile apps , gaming and applications that are advanced, packed with features , easy to use and offer visual delight.

Technology transormation

Be technologically ahead with smart applications and digital solutions that are tailored to solve your complex problems.

Digital Experience

Strengthen your foothold in the online world with the help of our core expertise in advanced web development technology services. Our multifaceted prolific approach will provide unique solutions for your business online.

Infrastructure consulting

Simplify your IT infrastructure using our Managed IT solutions that include migration, maintenence and management of digital assets .

Integration services

Create simplified integrated solutions using our versatile web development services, we execute enterprise-class themes & integration services that can fulfill clients’ complex needs.

Technological Products

Transform your business using our easy to install and use tools and digital products that can be hosted on premise or on cloud.

Ready to get started with Betaworks?Connect now


Betaworks Technologies was founded in 2013 with the vision of transforming and making Technology solutions easily accessible to all. Services include Technology Consulting, Influencer marketing, Software evaluation and reviews, Software publishing, consultancy and supply Software publishing includes production, supply and documentation of ready-made (non-customized) software, operating systems software, business & other applications software, computer games software for all platforms. Consultancy includes providing the best solution in the form of custom software after analyzing the user’s needs and problems. Custom software also includes made-to-order software based on orders from specific users.

Research and Knowledge

Our reasearch services include IT, IT services and Technology needs in the marketplace. We provide custom research on technology market sizing, landscape, competition, future technology marketplace and much more.

Our process

We follow a robust process that is meticulously followed to get you the best results. We ensure feedback and approvals are obtained at every stage.

get in touch

Connect with us for a custom quote for your business.
Please provide a brief description of the products or services you would be interested in.

(+1) 442-227-5699

(+91) 973-178 8338

Betaworks Technologies Pvt Ltd,
IN - 16/6 1st Main, Velachery, Chennai,
USA - Anaheim, California,

Mon - Fri: 09.30 - 18.00

Sat - Sun: Downtime